
When i woke up this morning, i had no idea what i gonna do from that moment. When i saw them, what they will say to me. Nevertheless, what i can do was faced it.And this time, i was truely touched by her apology. i thought the world would be changed, but it didn't.

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In the morning, one of them couldn't stand the situation any more.She talked to her, but the situation still didn't change. Just someone expressed the feeling and thinking to another one. So it even did not close to the communication. Untill the time we went back home, she talked to us and said sorry and made a decision. However, i was so unsatisfied with the decision she made. So i thought i should expressed the anger to let her knew how unsatisfied i was. So then i pulled over the car and got off immediately. However, the situation was out of control. After i got off the car, everyone got off the car also. We just left the car on the road. And then i regretted what i've done, i just wanna expressed how angry i was ,i didn't want the situation out of control.i went back to the car and then follow's dangerous to let anyone of them walked around at night. Althought we still had a quarrel on the road. But it's really too late to stayed there. it would be just fine that all of us got in the car and went back home first. we can talk everything at home. i was hoping after we all calm down, we could have a talk again.

But it's hard to asked her got in the car. She still got angry. she didn't want to see us anymore. she'd like us leave her alone. So all we can do were follow her. we were afraid that she will get into trouble. However, we failed. she got out of our sight in the shopping mall. we couldn't find her and she didn't answer the phone. I thought she might go to backpackers for one night. But in her opinion she won't stay there. instead, she would walk home. And then, it's just like what she said . she was on the way home. so we picked her up. finally, all of us got back home safely. But I had no idea what will happen tomorrow. the worst situation maybe we couldn't live together anymore.

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The most difficult thing is getting start . It is so hard to speak out when the situation is so embarrassing. I was so afraid to touch the bomb again if I tried to said someting. There might be some bombs in my speaking. But I knew i had to did that or the situation will never be changed. So i did it. That morning, she told me the reason why she got angry. Although what she said did not really convince me, but i was glad that she would like to speak out. she cried when she spoke. It must be something deep indside. Some tears in my eyes. I hoped that will be a good start.

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這一兩天他們兩依然沒有講話、氣氛仍相當詭異,很明顯的是這個地雷不是很小,只是移轉到另依個人身上,就像玩大富翁遊戲一樣,踩到地雷後移轉卡立即生效,立刻坡及到另依個人的身上。The real world is so simulative, isn't it?,我想我還不能適應。

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接著~~~~~~Bang!!Bom!!兩個食材換來兩道料理又換來一顆炸彈,主要是蛋,蛋是今天煮一大鍋魯肉所用到的食材之ㄧ,冰箱內雖然還有幾顆蛋,但是不夠計畫要煮的量,所以就bang bom。

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報紙說每個月的第一個禮拜六早上在Tamworth有一個市集,這個市集在The Heights附近,也就是我們之前看到的那間豪宅附近。反正這禮拜也是沒事,閑來逛逛,就來這個市集走一遭,一到這個地方真是令人傻眼,大概兩個籃球場大的小公園,但是只有不到十間的小攤子,我們到的時間將近中午十二點,攤子更是收了差不多,一整個冏。



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這一周又輪到我當Floorboy。相對於作trimming的工作,floorboy是相當有趣的工作。Floorboy可以隨處走動,想休息其實也可以偷偷跑去躲起來或者晃來晃去,更有趣的是還可以跟工作夥伴聊幾句,加上原本smoker time二十分鐘休息吃東西,之前得急急忙忙的把飯塞進肚子,現在可以悠閒的一口一口吃。怎麼比較我都比較喜歡做floorboy的工作,做trimming真的是太無聊了,一天6~8個小時站下來也沒有什麼人可以說話,羊一隻一隻過來,我就一隻一隻的處裡,看的我眼都花了。但是做trimming的好處是,每小時的薪資除了可以多兩塊之外,還可以鍛鍊一下用刀技巧,說不定改天有人請假,我也可以有機會做更高階的工作,所以我還是想繼續保留做trimming,可以偶而換換工作也是不錯的。


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是的。我終於狠下心的買下一台新的電腦,沒有辦法,想想還是需要。雖然覺得將近兩個月沒有使用電腦生的活上反而有更多時間去做其他事情,但是寫日記、看看電影、影集以及最重要的存取我在澳洲生活的寫照,還是不斷纏繞在我心頭。所以,我買了。這台新的電腦是宏碁Acer Eee PC 900HD。小小一台,輕巧方便,價值547元澳幣,對於簡單需求的我而言,應該是值得。

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