
目前分類:Tamworth (41)

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They had an apointment with Diktor for fix uncertain problem in his computer today. Diktor suggested that we went to his house first. After then he will tell us what the problem is.

Diktor is one of PVE fellow. He is from Sudan, 29 years old, a very funny guy. His position is pull out the organs and heart, cut the belly and dig a hole from ass. He always makes a joke or yells to somebody"Do you wanna fight!!!""What are you doing that for?" So others always like to make a joke with him as well. you know the job i do is totally boring, but the positions around him always have a good laugh. So, at the begining i wore white apron, i pulled the kidney out beside him. The position was just around him. So sometimes i felt interesting working with him. He made time passed quickly.

Back to what gonna happen today, at the begining, we followed the address which Diktor wrote down on the paper to arrived his house. He was answering the phone, and there was a woman sitting in the car in front of him. And then i saw a baby in the backseat. I was wondering who the woman and baby were. Did they have certain relationship to Diktor. Probably did, in my observation. But i didn't know the exact relationship they were.

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We had a horse riding again today,scott and cherry came together with us this time. Cherry was so happy that she got a chance to rode horse. Scott had ridden horse in China before. He is a good rider.

Besides riding, we talked a lot about AQIS this time. There are two vets in the AQIS in PVE. One work for day shift, another work for the night shift. If the vet can't work then the abattoir can't kill the lamb. So Australian government takes it seriously. The AQIS really manages the quarantine and controls the quality.

Besides, there is a area vet manages the north of the NSW. She comes once a month. Everytime she comes, all the staff of PVE become nervous. Everyone is quiet and no more makes a joke. That's very weird, but i feel it's very funny.

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i got a thought among these few days. I knew it's hard to change personality. If my personality is getting angry easily when something happen differently from what i thought, can i change my personality so quickly after a big thing happened. As what i said i think it's hard to change personailty, so i think it won't change so easily and quickly.

However, after big bang, something did changed. I hoped it's not just changed on the surface. I want everyone live as who you are. Not pretend everthing is fine or put real what you thought behind youself.

Of course, i still got shadow in my mind. So sometimes i still asked myself "is this will be a bomb" i was impacted by the whole thing that happened before. Anyway, base on the new situation, i hoped it will become better and better.

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I live a simple and easy life in this small town. Every weekdays, I wake up in the morning, and then help to prepare the food for the lunch and dinner. After lunch, i go to work at about quarter pass two. And then finish the work at about eleven thirty. When i arrive home, sometimes it's already twelve o'clock ,sometimes even up to one o'clock. And then i eat something and go to take a shower. When i go to bed ,it's always over one ro two o'clock. Day by Day. The life is so simple that make me feel boring. We all agree that. So we think we have to change it somehow.

At the invitation of my friend of RDA, We have a new hobby now .Play tennis.

When i was young, i have played tennis once. i played tennis so bad that moment. Just one round ,my friend's brother didn't want to play with me anymore. i was so sad. i thought i was not a good player.Untill i've came to Oz. i played tennis one more time in Renmark. i was surprised that i played not so bad. i think the reason is due to some play skill transfered from table tennis. So when they invite us to play tennis, i was so glad and appreciated their invitation.

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At invitation of fellow, Steve, from AQIS, we got a chance to rode horse. Well, i've never ridden horse before. It's very interesting to ride on the horseback. when i kicked the horse, he went forward.when i pull the rope to the left, the horse went to left. when i pull to the right, the horse went to right. when i pull the rope back, the horse stop. However, their back yard is not big enough for us to ride very fast. so i just ride slowly. Anyway, i was enjoyable.

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本週在Tamworth有一個連續四天(7/16~19),名為Hats Off to Country的小型嘉年華會,慶祝今年已經過了一半。在這四天幾乎從白天到晚上都有歌手在一些據點駐唱,包括Pub、俱樂部、購物中心、遊客中心以及飯店,這些表演有些免費,有些則需要酌收入場費。Good,既然知道有這難得機會就一定要好好的把握,更何況我們已經錯過了一月份的鄉村音樂節,這個小型的再錯過的話,我真想去撞牆了。

但既然有這麼多間,那到底是選哪一間去比較好勒!?Scott與Cherry在因緣際會下認識了一位當地澳洲人Max,Max提議去一間Wests Diggers去聽某歌手的演唱,但是到了晚上突然改變行程,Max邀請我們到他們家喝點湯吃點東西,等時間差不多了再一起過去一間名為service club的俱樂部,反正我們也不是很清楚這些歌手,哪一間店的消費如何,反正只要確定是免費的那一定是沒有問題。

club的氛圍果然跟pub有很大的差異,在pub,經常可以看到年輕人手拿著啤酒站著大聲的聊天歡笑,店內的桌椅通常是頂多四人用的桌子,有的店有戶外空間,桌子就可以塞更多人,舞台下方的男男女女則隨著音樂搖擺著,越晚越high越多人,有Band更是High翻天,如果不是因為樂團表演的舞台比台下高了那麼一點點,台上那些人早就被台下那群野獸啃的屍骨無存了;在club則是看到一群中年以上男子坐在舞台下方長排桌椅上小聲的歡談,不然就安靜地欣賞著舞台上方歌手的表演,歌手表演完一首歌,台下給予似乎是鼓勵性的掌聲,just like go go go , one more song, you can do it.整晚的氣氛似乎維持在某個平穩的水準。真是冏,it was a very interesting experience.

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今天原本由我負責floorboy的工作,十分鐘左右主管帶著一位在boning room早班工作的台灣人Albert來接替我的位置,我則被叫去做trimming,他之前沒有看過清潔slaught floor的程序,我也只好帶著他大概走一遍。今天終於換到新的位置工作,處理羊身體的部份,這個部份如果我也會做了,就幾乎將所有trimming工作都做遍。希望有機會可以再往上升一級,但是看來很難呀。

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Although people in abattoir are very nice, sometime they get a fight for the work. Here is a thing, when we work in abattoir, we do not stay at one position whole shift. We always swap with others. For example , at begining i hook the leg,and the next round i swap the guy who cut the hoof at first round. So sometime i get the hard position and sometime i get the easy one. So  when someone don't want to swap with another guy, they may have a fight. That is very dangerous because sometime they carry knifes when work.The horror.

My friends got a car accident today. They drove out of the road and rolled over on the grass.The second horror. Fortunately, they were safe. Just needed to check their inner body have got injury or not.

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We went to waste management facilities this morning. Scott said that we can found something cheap there. Yes,we did. i found a jumper cables and  they found a pot and a DVD player. The jumper cables costed just 4 dollars and the pot costed 2 dollars and the DVD player costed 2 dollars as well. These were so cheap, weren't it. After then, i went to use internet in centre point shopping mall.There used to had an internet server which can quickly download, but not anymore now. But i still could find one for me to i downlaod the software i need for the new laptop. I stayed there from day to night. And then I went to met Soctt, Cherry, Mark and George at Imperior Hotel. We had a drink and had fun that night.

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When i woke up this morning, i had no idea what i gonna do from that moment. When i saw them, what they will say to me. Nevertheless, what i can do was faced it.And this time, i was truely touched by her apology. i thought the world would be changed, but it didn't.

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In the morning, one of them couldn't stand the situation any more.She talked to her, but the situation still didn't change. Just someone expressed the feeling and thinking to another one. So it even did not close to the communication. Untill the time we went back home, she talked to us and said sorry and made a decision. However, i was so unsatisfied with the decision she made. So i thought i should expressed the anger to let her knew how unsatisfied i was. So then i pulled over the car and got off immediately. However, the situation was out of control. After i got off the car, everyone got off the car also. We just left the car on the road. And then i regretted what i've done, i just wanna expressed how angry i was ,i didn't want the situation out of control.i went back to the car and then follow's dangerous to let anyone of them walked around at night. Althought we still had a quarrel on the road. But it's really too late to stayed there. it would be just fine that all of us got in the car and went back home first. we can talk everything at home. i was hoping after we all calm down, we could have a talk again.

But it's hard to asked her got in the car. She still got angry. she didn't want to see us anymore. she'd like us leave her alone. So all we can do were follow her. we were afraid that she will get into trouble. However, we failed. she got out of our sight in the shopping mall. we couldn't find her and she didn't answer the phone. I thought she might go to backpackers for one night. But in her opinion she won't stay there. instead, she would walk home. And then, it's just like what she said . she was on the way home. so we picked her up. finally, all of us got back home safely. But I had no idea what will happen tomorrow. the worst situation maybe we couldn't live together anymore.

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The most difficult thing is getting start . It is so hard to speak out when the situation is so embarrassing. I was so afraid to touch the bomb again if I tried to said someting. There might be some bombs in my speaking. But I knew i had to did that or the situation will never be changed. So i did it. That morning, she told me the reason why she got angry. Although what she said did not really convince me, but i was glad that she would like to speak out. she cried when she spoke. It must be something deep indside. Some tears in my eyes. I hoped that will be a good start.

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這一兩天他們兩依然沒有講話、氣氛仍相當詭異,很明顯的是這個地雷不是很小,只是移轉到另依個人身上,就像玩大富翁遊戲一樣,踩到地雷後移轉卡立即生效,立刻坡及到另依個人的身上。The real world is so simulative, isn't it?,我想我還不能適應。

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接著~~~~~~Bang!!Bom!!兩個食材換來兩道料理又換來一顆炸彈,主要是蛋,蛋是今天煮一大鍋魯肉所用到的食材之ㄧ,冰箱內雖然還有幾顆蛋,但是不夠計畫要煮的量,所以就bang bom。

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報紙說每個月的第一個禮拜六早上在Tamworth有一個市集,這個市集在The Heights附近,也就是我們之前看到的那間豪宅附近。反正這禮拜也是沒事,閑來逛逛,就來這個市集走一遭,一到這個地方真是令人傻眼,大概兩個籃球場大的小公園,但是只有不到十間的小攤子,我們到的時間將近中午十二點,攤子更是收了差不多,一整個冏。



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這一周又輪到我當Floorboy。相對於作trimming的工作,floorboy是相當有趣的工作。Floorboy可以隨處走動,想休息其實也可以偷偷跑去躲起來或者晃來晃去,更有趣的是還可以跟工作夥伴聊幾句,加上原本smoker time二十分鐘休息吃東西,之前得急急忙忙的把飯塞進肚子,現在可以悠閒的一口一口吃。怎麼比較我都比較喜歡做floorboy的工作,做trimming真的是太無聊了,一天6~8個小時站下來也沒有什麼人可以說話,羊一隻一隻過來,我就一隻一隻的處裡,看的我眼都花了。但是做trimming的好處是,每小時的薪資除了可以多兩塊之外,還可以鍛鍊一下用刀技巧,說不定改天有人請假,我也可以有機會做更高階的工作,所以我還是想繼續保留做trimming,可以偶而換換工作也是不錯的。


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是的。我終於狠下心的買下一台新的電腦,沒有辦法,想想還是需要。雖然覺得將近兩個月沒有使用電腦生的活上反而有更多時間去做其他事情,但是寫日記、看看電影、影集以及最重要的存取我在澳洲生活的寫照,還是不斷纏繞在我心頭。所以,我買了。這台新的電腦是宏碁Acer Eee PC 900HD。小小一台,輕巧方便,價值547元澳幣,對於簡單需求的我而言,應該是值得。

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